MYTC !!!
There are more than 5 million small and medium businesses in the world doing exchange / exchange, but there is no decentralized platform for these companies to trade / exchange with each other around the world. Existing members of the exchange / exchange transactions have limited access to members of other platforms, overcharged, controlled through centralized accounting books, value of the commercial dollar depreciated. They can trade with each other due to limitations. The problem is that companies, especially small and medium enterprises, can only communicate with members they know and those closest to them. MYTC intends to create a decentralized platform for all small and medium enterprises to use a common currency to conduct reciprocal transactions between them. MYTC strives to help you with your trade / transaction while focusing on cash and daily turnover. We do not seek to interrupt your business, but we will help you improve your business by using digital cash in the revol...