==== ABOUT==== Energy is the source of life on Earth, and this is one of the things that makes human population possible on this planet. We continue to find ways to use energy sources for our survival. The wider use of non-renewable energy sources has put tremendous pressure on the limited resources of the planet. When people begin to feel the harmful effects of this activity on this planet and their daily lives, they begin to look for other harmless and renewable sources of energy. Another energy that today is also dominant in human life is the energy of light. In calculating the energy of light is the highest energy that can be found on this Earth. This is due to the fact that the light source itself comes from the sun, which is the most useful star in our solar system. Light has many functions and is used as a source of life for living beings on our earth, without any light energy, then our world cannot live with objects that turn light energy into the most important energy on E...